On Monday 30th August 2010 I intend to swim from Europe to Asia in aid of Guide dogs for the Blind. This traditional swim race, which crosses the Hellespont, commemorates the final victory for the Turks in the Turkish War of Independence in 1922 against the Greeks.
The Hellespont is one of the most significant shipping channels in the world. Agreement has been reached with the Turkish Authorities to close the Straits to all boat traffic during the swim. The swim starts on the European shore and swimmers head to the town of Çanakkale on the Asian side. The distance is about 3 miles although the tidal and weather conditions are often challenging.
I would be very grateful for any donations - 100% of monies will go the charity (all travel and expenses have been paid for by me personally).
Please find more details on my blog, Ou Est La Piscine?, at Or