This week I'm cycling from Bolzano to Venice. Last week it was Florence to Rome. Last week was really, really hard - I keep getting floored by the sudden surge of post-chemo-sweats (they're mostly like the sudden onslaught of incredible fatigue combined with heat exhaustion). It's not easy to stay upright, let alone cycle uphill. But I'm learning.. today I managed 3 small hills without stopping or walking at all!
Show your support by following me on twitter/CyclistOnChemo and sponsor me for Cyclists Fighting Cancer. Give those kids the freedom of their own bikes. It will mean so much...
Although both surgeon and oncologist appear to believe I'm recovering nicely, many chemo symptoms haven't yet gone. I understand from other medics that the two 90 minute periods when I felt completely healthy have come far earlier than they would expect, but my head is still muzzy, I'm almost always tired, get headaches and what are best described as fluey symptoms and regularly have disablingly unpleasant hot sweats so it's going to be fun.
It's also going to be the first road trip of more than 40 minutes that I've done since chemo. That's because I couldn't risk more than cycling on the flat until last week when the results of my bone density scan only came in.
Please sponsor me and support Cyclists Fighting Cancer. Every little helps - if all my facebook friends donated just 1 Euro each the target would be exceeded.
I'll send as many updates via Twitter as I'm able.
Thanks again!
Why I started this JustGiving page
I can't express how much cycling meant to me throughout the long months of chemo. The regime is over now and I have about 3 months of challenging recovery (watch this space.. it's going to be interesting..) it means even more.
To give that freedom to a child fighting cancer is a gift beyond compare. So if you like what you've seen of my words or images, enjoy or are informed by my tweets, would like to express your support or simply like the sound of the charity please consider donating to Cyclists Fighting Cancer.
You can follow my progress through chemo at or see the photos I post in support of this fund raising project at
This is what Cyclists Fighting Cancer say about themselves:
Cyclists Fighting Cancer awards shiny new bikes, tandems and specially
adapted trikes to children and young people who have been affected by cancer
throughout the UK and Northern Ireland. We encourage cycling as the best
form of exercise based rehabilitation for those children undergoing and
recovering from cancer treatments. To encourage them further we also give
bikes to their siblings and in many cases their parents in order that they
can take part in an activity as a family once again after what can be years
of hospitalisation and disruption. Every penny raised goes into achieving
these objectives.
Link to their site
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