Myself and a group of fellow mad parents who have children in Year 7 at Cranleigh Prep School have decided to abseil down the side of Guildford Cathedral on 25th June in aid of the RNLI which is this year's form charity.
I didn't actually "decide" to, in fact I was part volunteered and part bullied into it! I am not too sure why I am chucking myself off the side of one of Guildford's tallest buildings but knowing I am raising money for a worthwhile cause will certainly help the trip down.
RNLI saved 29 lives during 2015 in Scotland alone, launching 1,078 times, rescuing 1,046 people. 20% of the calls to the RNLI are to sailing pleasure crafts, and they RNLI are increasing their guard services on beaches around the country. They were instrumental in helping flood devastated families all over the country in the winter too.
Thank you for your support,