Michael (Mike) Mitchell:
Mike, as he liked to be known, worked for Cancer Research UK for over 20 years.
Mike’s team leader Aengus, wrote this:
One of Mike's jobs was to train biologists to do their data analysis. Mike was fantastic at this. He had great patience and a brain that remembered every single detail so that no stone was left unturned or possibility not explored. So when the scientist left him they knew that there was no way that the answer they had wasn't as close as possible to the real answer. They had unshakeable confidence in him and I had too.
He spent a great of time involved with Live Action Role Play, (LARP), or as he called it, Cross Country Pantomime. This brought him into contact with hundreds of people from all walks of life, over many years.
Many of these people have written movingly about Mike saying how much they will miss him and as a group, they have planed two memorial services.
He will be very much missed.
After discussion with Mike's family this fund has been set up in his memory.