Mouth Cancer Action Month relies on the efforts of our supporters to raise money for us so that we are able to continue with our charitable work and aim to reduce mouth cancer incidences in the UK.
From everybody at the British Dental Health Foundation, we would like to say a huge thank you for helping us to raise awareness of mouth cancer – your donations are truly valued and warmly received.
Thanks to your donations we have been able to provide more information and support for children, the elderly and vulnerable, people with special needs and those living in deprivation around the UK, than ever before. As inequalities in oral health continue to grow, and with incidences of mouth cancer on the rise, our role as a leader in oral health education and preventative action becomes ever more crucial.
That’s why we truly value all the generosity and hard work of our supporters.
Please help support our work by one-off donation or sponsorship of our campaigns and projects -