Doctors Without Invisible Walls/Medecins Sans Frontieres Invisibles is starting our charity fundraising with GameBlast, a drive for the SpecialEffect charity (who give support for disabled gamers). Their page can be found here: They help individuals but also help develop, promote, and support pioneering assistive technologies; these include technologies such as allowing gamers to control their computers with only their eyes! They're doing some great work so please help them out. They're working hard to let disabled gamers access the same things that we take for granted whenever we boot up a game.
Our event is a simple one. We will be taking part in a 24-hour marathon playing a variety of games! The exact schedule is yet to be finalized but stay tuned! We'll be starting this on the morning (GMT) of February 21st.
EDIT: We're finished! A huge thanks to everyone involved and those who donated. We'll be back :) Our twitch videos are on Adam's channel ( for the next two weeks. A migration to youtube will be happening soon-ish...
Doctors Without Invisible Walls is a rag-tag group of PhD grads that love gaming and looking to make the world just that little bit better through charity fundraising. We can only hope to make even a fraction of the impact that the organization our namesake is derived from (the venerable, of course), but we'll do our best!