Feed a Million in Ramadhan
Fundraising for Ummah Welfare Trust
Fundraising for Ummah Welfare Trust
Updated on Aug 5th 2012 at 9:19 PM from the JustGiving API
what did you eat for iftar? At least you had a choice Subhan'Allah..x
Updated on Jul 21st 2012 at 7:18 PM from the JustGiving API
Please give fi sabilIllah
Jazak'Allah Khair for taking the time to visit my JustGiving page.
All Praise is for Allah alone.
The severe food and water shortages all over the world are a major issue. What are we, as an Ummah going to say to Allah subhanhu wata ala on a day when our whole lives will be on shown. Every deed, good or bad will be seen.
Ummah Welfare Trust are running a 'Feed a Million' project at the moment, so I thought this would be a wonderful prject to raise much needed funds for.
Imagine the reward for helping to break the fast of so many that would otherwise have had no other option to either beg for food or simply ' go without'. We as an Ummah are responsible for our brothers and sisters so the least we can do, if we are not beside them, is to give to this appeal on our behalf fi sabil Illah.
I have set the amount at £500 at the moment, which will buy 10 foods packs for ramadhan Insha'Allah. The more we give, the more they get, so should it exceed £500 then Alhamdulillah that's wonderful.
Sometimes we need to question ourselves and think, were we there for those in need, or did we ignore their plight and just give during Ramadhan. Their whole lives are in turmoil, not just for 30 days a year.
We are blessed with so much that we don't even know it, or maybe we do but, do we appriciate all the blessings that Allah has bestowed upon us.
Being guided alone is the biggest blessing from Allah, and to show our gratitude we need, firstly to thank Him and to strive to do as much as possible to please Him alone.
We are all one Ummah but have become so divided that we are lost.
Ummah Welfare Trust guarantee 100% donation policy. They have so many ongoing needy projects that the least we can do is try to make a difference to someone else's life instead of wasting our time and money on material things which will be of no benefit in the next life.
By giving we can help towards feeding a million this Ramadhan and beyond remember, their poverty is 365 days a year.
Please do give whatever your able and encourage others to join you too.
When you next go shopping, maybe to stock up on ramadhan supplies, remember those who will not have these facilites. They cannot go to the shop and buy cakes and goodies to break thier fast. They haven't eaten for so long that the stomach would not be able to digest such foods anyway, by spending just a few pounds less you can help give nourishment to our brothers, sisters and children.
A few pounds each is all it takes.
It's not about the amount, it's your intention that counts.
“Those who (in charity) spend of their goods by night and by day, in secret and in public have their reward with their Rabb (only God and Sustainer). On them shall be no fear nor shall they grieve.” (Qur'an, 2:274)
Please, in the least read and share with all your contacts so that we can bring a smile to a families face and some food in their empty stomachs.
’Who is he that will loan to Allah a beautiful loan which Allah will double unto his credit and multiply it many times?’ (Qur’an 2:245).
Jazaki'Allahu Khairan.
Any good from this is from Allah The Most High, and any wrong is from myself.
Fi amanIllah
Visit me @ http://al-huriyah.blogspot.co.uk
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