Text Code - RAMD61 - £amount to 70070
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته.
My beloved brothers and sisters in Islaam.
In shaa Allaah you all receive this in the best of health and eemaan.
I have recently pledged to raise some money for our brothers and sisters that HHUGS support.
For those who are not familiar with what they do, they are a charity who help out the families and victims of these counter terrorism and newly introduced prevent laws in the UK and are the only charity doing this kind of work.
We all know as men we are the main earners in our families and if we are suddenly snatched away from our loved ones the kind of problems this would leave them in are great in number. Not only financially but also mentally or more often than not socially.
Not everyone has the ability to put away money for a rainy day and not everyone has any support network to fall back on. Even if we do put money away for a "rainy day" that will be confiscated and our wives and children will be left with nothing.
HHUGS support families in many different ways some are by clearing debts, providing monthly shopping, paying rent and utility bills, buying clothing, buying Eid gifts for the children, replacing doors that have been kicked off and left damaged by police and much more. HHUGS accept Zakah but please do specify it is Zakah when donating
We all have a duty towards our imprisoned brothers and due the fact of where we are it is near impossible to uphold those duties in reality, but this is something I believe we all can do and it will actually make a difference.
May Allaah protect us all and our families from ending up in this predicament. Aameen.
But the reality is this could happen to any of us. The majority of brothers are snatched away and imprisoned for months sometimes years then later released without any conviction.
If we did, we would like to have comfort in knowing that this kind of work is going on.
I would like all the brothers and sisters who read this page to earn some reward with me this Ramadaan and going forward
We all know the virtues and rewards of giving in charity so I don't feel it necessary to quote any ayat or ahadeeth.
Please if you are interested in and able to support this cause click the link to donate.
Abu Rumaysa