We are currently fundraising in order to support the John Thornton Young Achievers Foundation as part of the Air Cadet Junior Leaders Course. We will be undertaking a 12 Hour Endurance TAB. We will TAB as far as possible along the Grand Union Canal starting at Harefield, heading towards Birmingham. A TAB is a British Military styled Tactical Advance to Battle which is carried out by walking at a jogging speed with a load. We will be carrying it out in full CEMO (Combat Equipment Marching Order) which is a full Bergen and Webbing. This would be enough to be fully sustained and be able to fight in a field situation, weighing around 100lb!
The JTYAF supports young people from a wide range of youth organisations, providing them with scholarships and bursaries to support their personal development and the pursuit of their ambitions. Recipients of the Charity’s Young Achievers Awards are selected for their demonstration of the Foundation’s key values: courage, determination, unselfishness and cheerfulness in adversity.
Thank you for talking your time to read our page. Please donate what ever you can to support the JTYAF to help young people work towards their ambitions.
Thank you from.
SGT Esson